
Teaching – We believe that teaching consists of both lecture and discussion. However, lecture, with its original meaning being “to read’ is 80% reading of Scripture. Scribes and priests would read Scripture to the audience.

Scripture is our source of “lecture” as it provides us with content and direction. Scripture controls our thought process. The final 20% of lecture comes in the form of the moments of discussion in which individuals with varying levels of knowledge and preparation, express their own thought on the topic presented by Scripture. No voice is silenced. Even if some voices are more forceful than others, the Holy Spirit guides the discussion through the lecture of Scripture.

Discussion is essential because our end goal is not simply knowledge transfer, but personal transformation. Discussion lends itself to personal introspection and re-evaluation of world views. Discussion silently emboldens holistic participation among the members as we see each other taking courageous steps in speaking our minds and hearts. Discussion allows for exploration of differing perspectives which allows us to seek God as he is, and not the box we have created for him. Discussion allows for the emotional exchange which creates the motivation that drives transformation.